KeiS a medical professional

This is a blog about the scientific basis of medicine. A judo therapist reads research papers for study and writes about them.


Study Shows How to Prevent Circadian Rhythm Misalignment and Glucose Intolerance in Nighttime Work.

Monday, December 13, 2021


Eating during the day prevents the body's circadian rhythm from shifting and glucose intolerance from nighttime work.

Science Advances - December 3, 2021 - Volume 7, Issue 49 - DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg9910


Working night shifts has been described as increasing the risk of diabetes.

This is most likely due to internal mismatch between circadian rhythms and peripheral circadian rhythms, because the mismatch between the central circadian clock and daily activities typical of night shift workers impairs glucose tolerance.

However, it remains unclear whether proper circadian rhythms of diet can prevent internal circadian misalignment and glucose intolerance.

In this study, we assessed glycemic control during simulated night work with meals at night or during the day in a 14-day circadian paradigm. Central (body temperature) and peripheral (glucose and insulin) endogenous circadian rhythms were assessed during a constant routine protocol before and after the simulated night work.

The results showed that eating at night leads to a mismatch between central, and peripheral (glucose) endogenous circadian rhythms and impaired glucose tolerance, and that restricting eating to the daytime prevents this. The findings are described as providing a behavioral approach to prevent glucose intolerance in shift workers.
