KeiS a medical professional

This is a blog about the scientific basis of medicine. A judo therapist reads research papers for study and writes about them.


People who believe in astrology are considered to have low intelligence and are associated with narcissism.

Saturday, November 20, 2021


Even the stars think I'm good: personality, intelligence, belief in astrology



Beliefs in astrology are believed to be on the rise, but the reasons behind them are unknown.

Researchers were testing whether individual personality traits could predict such unfounded beliefs. Data was collected from 264 participants in an anonymous online survey shared on social media.

The survey consisted of four measures: belief in astrology (BAI), Big Five personality traits (IPIP-30), narcissism (SD3), and intelligence (ICAR16-R3D). Data analysis was done by multiple regression.

These results showed that narcissism was a surprisingly strong predictor, and intelligence was negatively related to astrological beliefs. This new result suggests that something as innocent as astrology may attract and in some cases enhance individual differences.
