What We Can Learn from Psychopaths
How to persuade them
Psychopaths are often thought of as psychopaths, but if we can learn from psychopaths who have the ability to accomplish one goal, it may be easier for us to achieve the good behavior we want.
Let's take a look at the psychopaths and see how good they are at persuasion. Let's check how good you are at persuasion.
How to do the test
0 Definitely don't think so
1 I don't think so
2 Yes, I do
3 Absolutely agree
On a scale of 1 to 5, please give a total score.
This will be the final criterion for your decision.
1) I can read other people's minds and am good at identifying behavioral factors.
2) I walk into a room full of strangers, and I can get along with them.
3) I have the means to get over a tight spot.
4)I am good at getting discounts and extras when shopping.
5)I'm good at thinking, "What would my partner do? I am good at thinking, "This is what the other person would do!
6) People say that I have an aura.
7) At parties, I talk to people from all over the place.
8)He has the power of persuasion to get others involved, even when he makes difficult plans.
9)He is good at joking.
10)The people around him move as he thinks.
11)He is good at constructing convincing arguments even when he is in a tight spot.
0~11 Lowest level of persuasiveness
12~17 Occasional successful persuasion
18~22 Success rate depending on the person being persuaded
23~28 Good judgment, already knows how the other person's brain perceives things.
29~33 Are you possibly more persuasive than the FBI?
To acquire it, you need to
These are the three hints you can get from a "good psychopath.
Unexpectedness means that when you are driving your car and a police car is chasing you for speeding.Would you be able to say something unexpected in such a situation? That's what I mean.
As for confidence, what con man would be without confidence? When I want to persuade others, they need to have the immunity of having made a confident decision. You need to have the exemption that you have made a confident decision. In order to do that, you have to be confident in yourself, otherwise the other person will not make a confident decision.
Controlling Anger
As mentioned above, let's examine the characteristics of psychopaths and find out how well they control their anger.
How to do the test
0 Absolutely agree
1 I agree
2 I don't think so
3 Definitely don't think so
You can see the trend by the total score.
Let's check them out.
1) I have resentment.
2) I often misunderstand.
3) I worry about what others think of me.
4) When someone says something bad about me, I'm always worried about it.
5) I'm not good at putting myself in the other person's shoes.
6) Concerned about what others might say about me behind my back.
7) Tend to read too much into things.
8)I get frustrated when I don't get what I want
9) Get into heated arguments with friends and acquaintances
10) Believes that bad things are caused by someone's intentions
11) When I made a presentation to my boss, he turned me down.
12)I think that the reason is because I don't like myself.
0~11 Do you hate yourself because you are very angry?
12~17 I am a little angry. A slight misunderstanding can be a tremendous misunderstanding from the beginning.
18~22 No doubt about it. But there are moments when you get upset, right?
23~28 Don't worry about me. I don't care what other people say, I think the problem lies with the complainer.
29~33 The highest level of self-control. It's impossible for others to offend you!
It seems that a bad psychopath would tend to think "I'm not bad, and I'll beat up anyone who tries to bring me down.
When that happens, conflicts are bound to happen, and if you look at the history of humanity, conflicts can happen, but it's hard to say what they are because they have both good and bad sides.
Criminal Psychology
Psychopathic Behavior Patterns
Many criminals have "normal thinking skills" and understand the illegality of their actions.Yet, they may lie, abuse others, and become violent unexpectedly. And they also seem to have difficulty in building trusting relationships with others.
These signs are characteristics of a type of personality disorder known as psychopathy.People with psychopathy are attractive and appear to be cooperative with others, but they do not have empathy for others. People with these characteristics are also considered to have the first trait.
Biological factors
Many experts believe that people who commit criminal acts are caused by neurological problems.Neurological problems are the idea that brain damage (birth, accidents, etc.) or disorders have affected the personality, causing problematic behavior.There is also the view that offenders are genetically different in some areas compared to those who are not.
It is also believed that due to these physical physiological problems, criminals are not able to learn the concept of right and wrong.
Yeah, it's not something you can tell by looking at them, is it?
Mental Illness
People who have committed crimes and been convicted often suffer from depression, learning disabilities, personality disorders, and schizophrenia.
It is believed that these mental conditions can lead to hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and the belief that an unseen force is controlling them, leading to criminal behavior.However, we cannot simply say that criminal behavior is caused by mental illness, so we should not simply assume that mental illness = criminal.
Psychological factors
Many criminals lack conscience and do not necessarily follow social norms, and their ethical judgment is not up to adult level.
These behaviors are thought to be due to a lack of awareness of the consequences of their actions, low self-esteem, an inability to wait until the future for pleasure, a lack of control over their desires, and a sense of great reward for the small effort of criminal behavior.
Social Environment
Actual crimes do not just happen out of the blue, but occur in the context of the relationships between the offender and the people around them.
It is possible that the root of these acts can be found in the way we relate to others, in our friendships and relationships.Some even commit criminal acts by following the example of those around them.
And while economic poverty can be a factor, poverty alone is not necessarily the cause of crime.