This time, we're going to talk about seed bone disorder.
Seed bone disorder refers to a problem with the pea-sized bone at the base of the thumb.
It can only be touched from the sole of the foot, but because of the plantar muscles, it is difficult to palpate and requires practice.
When does it happen?
Inflammation caused by the impact of repeatedly stepping on the ground while running, and the repetitive stretching of the thumbs during running are thought to be the causes.
About the characteristics
Pain is reported while walking or running.
There is pain and swelling when pressing down on a small area.
Pain is triggered when the thumb is extended upward.
Clinical points
A simple radiographic examination is necessary to differentiate it from a bifid seed bone.In severe cases, the patient may not be able to touch the ground.
In severe cases, the patient may not be able to touch the ground. Pads are placed to protect the affected area, but they are not effective and rest is recommended.
Keep in mind that the medial seed bone is prone to fatigue fractures.
If pain is not relieved by conservative treatment, bone fragments can be removed hematopanically.
Similar Diseases
Turf toe
Caused by sprain of the first metatarsophalangeal joint.
Occurs when the toe is caught in the grass and subjected to hyperextension.
It causes damage to the sesamoid bone, joint capsule, and ligaments, and in severe cases, internal bleeding and joint instability are observed.
In severe cases, internal bleeding and joint instability are observed. Cases caused by hyperflexion are also called reverse turf toe.
Osteochondral disorders are not uncommon and can be encountered in clinical practice.If you don't know what it is, you may have trouble getting rid of the pain.
Please grasp the points mentioned above and deal with it while knowing the extent of what you can do.