Academic trajectories of college students with and without ADHD: predictors of 4-year outcomes
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This study investigated the relationship between college coursework and problems caused by ADHD symptoms. In general, earning a college degree is associated with success in employment, financial income, and life satisfaction. And mental health problems, including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), can impair degree completion and the completion of a degree in things.
In a study of 201 college students with ADHD, the participants' four-year academic trajectories were examined in comparison to 205 non-ADHD comparison students. Demographic, psychological, and service-related variables were included as predictors of interception.
Results showed that college students with ADHD earned significantly lower GPAs and reported using study skills strategies less frequently than comparison students; significantly more comparison students (59.1%) persisted through eight semesters compared to participants on medication for ADHD (49%).
Multiple variables predicted outcomes with parental education, decreased depressive symptoms, improved executive functioning, and receipt of high school Section 504 accommodations and college academic support services among the strongest predictors.
In conclusion, the results suggested that support services for students with ADHD should begin prior to college entry and focus on improving executive functioning skills and depressive symptoms to increase the likelihood of academic success. Thus, the implementation of therapeutic support for ADHD was also described as a factor that would support degree completion and more.