Progesterone Replacement Therapy for Miscarriage
A woman's sex hormones cause secretory changes that are essential for implantation.And a possible cause for many cases of miscarriage may be improper secretion of progesterone.
In order to treat them, progesterone is used from the middle of pregnancy to prevent miscarriage.
The paper I'm going to introduce is on the use of progestogens as a preventive treatment for recurrent miscarriages in women who have experienced them.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of progestogens as a preventive treatment for recurrent miscarriages.
In conclusion, we found that progesterone replacement therapy reduced the recurrence of miscarriage.
The study included
・2556 women from 13 trials were included.
Nine trials compared treatment with placebo.
Four trials compared progestogen treatment with no treatment.
A meta-analysis suggests that there is probably a reduction in the number of miscarriages in women who received progestogen supplementation compared to placebo/control.
(Mean risk ratio (RR) 0.69, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.51-0.92, 11 trials, 2359 women, moderate quality evidence)
Subgroup analyses comparing placebo-controlled and non-placebo-controlled trials and different routes of administration showed no difference in miscarriage between subgroups.
However, there appeared to be a difference in miscarriage subgroups among women who had had three or more miscarriages compared to women who had had two miscarriages, with the effect being more pronounced among women who had had three or more miscarriages.
None of the trials reported on secondary maternal outcomes, including morning sickness, thromboembolism, depression, special care unit admission, or severity of fertility.Other secondary outcomes of neonatal death or fetal genital abnormalities have not been reported for
There were no clear differences among women receiving progestogen.
There was a possible reduction in stillbirths, but it appears to be important to note that this result was primarily driven by one trial.
(RR 0.38, 95% CI 0.24 to 0.58, 3 trials, 1199 women).
Haas DM, Hathaway TJ, Ramsey PS. progestogen to prevent miscarriage in women with repeated miscarriages of unknown etiology. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, no. 10. Art. No.: CD003511. doi: 10.1002 / 14651858.CD003511.pub4.
The current information that can be confirmed is that there is a reduced risk of miscarriage and few side effects have been confirmed.
There is also little bias, so the information is well-founded.