KeiS a medical professional

This is a blog about the scientific basis of medicine. A judo therapist reads research papers for study and writes about them.


The Psychology of Recovering from Economic Crisis

Monday, May 3, 2021


In this article, I will discuss the psychology of protecting yourself from economic crisis.

What would you do in the event of an economic crisis?

Some of you may say that you don't know because you have never been in an economic crisis, and some of you may say that the current situation is a crisis.

In the literature I will introduce, countermeasures against the psychological damage caused by the economic crisis were proposed.

It may be somewhat useful, so please refer to it.


Factors that lead to economic unhappiness include

Job separation


Economic crisis in society

These are just a few examples.

While there are measures that can be taken to deal with each of these issues, there are also problems that are beyond the control of the individual.

The expected psychological impact of these events can be mitigated by creativity and flexibility.Some of the mechanisms that can mitigate the magnitude of the negative psychological impact include financial and psychological coping strategies and cultural transformation.

Regarding financial coping, Dore cited the example of a low-income Russian family that adopted effective behavioral strategies to maintain food security, such as purchasing cheaper food and increasing the percentage of homemade food.

In addition, psychological coping strategies are important, and based on Russian panel data, Graham et al. point out that well-being affects not only income but also health.

In contrast, psychological factors can mediate the increase in cause-specific mortality observed in relation to all causes and the economic crisis.

Increased levels of stress and depression have been found to be important indirect causes of excess mortality observed during periods of economic crisis.

Liem et al. have studied acculturation and emotions among Asian Americans.

If articulation and affect-mediated responses to similar situations by cultural natives and novices are misleading, emotional life may experience significant changes during the process of acculturation, and ease of interpersonal interaction may be compromised.

Culturally mediated emotional meanings associated with life encounters are not readily recognized or articulated and may be a source of distress that is particularly problematic when confronted in an interpersonal context.

Van Hal G. The true cost of the economic crisis on psychological well-being: a review. Psychol Res Behav Manag. 2015; 8: 17-25. published January 9, 2015 doi: 10.2147 / PRBM.S44732


The content of this article suggested that economic influences can harm mental health and also harm physical health.

You don't have to say it, but we know it.

There are different actions to be taken and strategies to be considered in response to these crises, but what is important is "creativity" and "flexibility.

In today's society, people who can be called successful were not always so successful. It seems that they have overcome several crises and made it to the present.It seems that they have overcome several crises and have come to the present day. I guess it is like what is often said that a pinch is an opportunity.

How do you combine the two? It may be the ideas generated by creativity and flexibility that are not constrained by the existing rules.

I don't know what will happen in this country where people are only pulling each other's legs, but just having words that can be used in such a frivolous way was a blessing.
