Post-traumatic tendon synovial chondromatosis after cardiac fracture of the triangular bone: a case report
Tendon synovial chondromatosis (TC) is a rare progressive benign tumor from the synovial lining of the tendon sheath.TC primarily affects men between the ages of 30 and 50 years on the ventral side of the wrist. There are two distinct forms of TC proposed in previous studies: idiopathic causes (primary TC) and causes of joint-related diseases (secondary TC). Despite the fact that trauma has been described as a common reason for TC, no case of secondary TC affecting the dorsal wrist after a deltoid fracture has ever been written about. The purpose of this report is to present a rare case of solitary post-traumatic TC in the dorsal wrist after a deltoid fracture. The clinical presentation, imaging modalities, histopathology and therapeutic challenges in managing this challenging lesion will be described.
Danny Mangual, MD, Gerardo Olivella, MD, MPH, Norman Ramirez, MD, Eric Astacio, MD, Juan Bibiloni, MD, Christian Foy-Parrilla, MD, Posttraumatic Synovial Chondromatosis Following a Deltoid Fracture: A A Case Report, Oxford Medical Case Reports, Volume 2021, Issue 4, April 2021, omab007, https: //
Tendon synovial chondromatosis (TC) is a condition called when synovial chondromatosis (SC) develops extra-articularly in the tendon sheath. This condition tends to occur in the fingers, feet, and wrists and is a benign lesion, but the synovium that is produced can calcify and damage adjacent cartilage and tendons.
The primary form is of unknown cause, while the secondary form is the result of diseases such as osteoarthritis, neuropathic arthritis, and osteochondral fractures. It is generally known to occur after trauma, and this report is about a case that affected the dorsal wrist after a deltoid fracture.