KeiS a medical professional

This is a blog about the scientific basis of medicine. A judo therapist reads research papers for study and writes about them.


Study shows that being overweight is linked to hearing loss

Sunday, May 30, 2021


Study shows that being overweight is linked to hearing loss

Overweight and Hearing Loss

New evidence from research indicates that being overweight is a potential risk factor for hearing loss. However, because this theory is not conclusive, a study was conducted to systematically and quantitatively review published observational studies on the association between body mass index (BMI) or body circumference (WC) and hearing loss.

A meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies found that

The ORs for general hearing loss were 1.10, underweight 1.14, and overweight 1.40.For obesity, the OR is 1.14 for every 5 kg/m2 increase in BMI, and 1.22 for higher WC.

In a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies, the RR is 0.96 for underweight, 1.15 for overweight, and 1.38 for obese.

From the results, the conclusion is that increased BMI and increased girth are positively associated with hearing loss.

Yang, JR., Hidayat, K., Chen, CL. et al. Body mass index, waist circumference, and risk of hearing loss: a meta-analysis and systematic review of Observational study. Environ Health Prev Med 25, 25 (2020). Available at:


This meta-analysis showed a relationship between being overweight and hearing loss. The risk of hearing loss is increased by aggressive consumption of refined grains, sugar, trans-fatty acids, and unbalanced diet, but the physiology of the disease is not yet understood.

One theory is that the cochlea is damaged by the endocrine system caused by excess fatty tissue, resulting in hearing loss, but this theory is not yet confirmed by animal experiments.

However, the results of animal studies are not conclusive, and the possibility of a complication from cardiovascular disease cannot be ruled out. Rather than overweight equaling hearing loss, a study of overweight people and people with hearing loss showed a positive relationship, suggesting that being overweight is a factor in hearing loss.As far as diet is concerned, a diet higher in fiber than what is mentioned above has a negative relationship with hearing loss, so people who want to watch out for hearing loss may want to be aware of this.

Also, hearing loss can be caused by excessive volume, but since the conclusion was based on a meta-analysis, this correlation may be correct.
