KeiS a medical professional

This is a blog about the scientific basis of medicine. A judo therapist reads research papers for study and writes about them.


Stories of partner violence and abuse

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


Harmful Partners

When you are being abused, it becomes harder and harder to be objective. It slows down your response to the abuse, but the abuse doesn't have to be physical either. Sometimes the words your partner says can be harmful, but you may be able to talk your way out of it by defending your partner or blaming yourself.

Abuse can take many forms.

It can be physical, such as hitting or kicking, or it can take the form of sexual violence. For many people, this behavior is psychologically harmful, making them feel worthless, isolating them from friends and family, and the harm can be exacerbated by stalking.

All of these behaviors are forms of domestic violence, and some reports estimate that at least 25 percent of women and 10 percent of men have experienced partner violence.

Intimate partner violence is about power and control.

"Intimate partner violence is about power and control," says Dr. Eve Varela, an expert in domestic violence and brain injury at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital.

Some people experience partner violence and suffer from repeated abuse over the years. This can be from a partner or from a stranger, but the effects can be long-lasting.

Researchers are working to understand and prevent intimate partner violence and to learn how to help those affected.

Signs of Partner Abuse

It is important to recognize the signs of an abusive relationship, and being restricted in your behavior is one of the most common signs. He or she may monitor where you are, how much you see your friends and family, and dictate what you wear, what you eat, and how you spend your money.

Verbal abuse is also common and warning signs include humiliating yourself in front of others and berating someone else for their violent language.

Partner violence can affect the entire family. Children in families where a parent is abusive begin to feel fearful and insecure and fear confrontation. Children are alert to the possibility of violence.

The effects of intimate partner violence can be devastating. It can be devastating to the home.Dr. Ted George, an NIH expert on alcohol and violence.

Heavy drinking is

Heavy drinking is one of the risk factors for partner violence. Studies have shown that the likelihood of partner abuse is much higher on days of heavy alcohol consumption.

Dr. George has studied the areas of the brain that are associated with loss of control and violence. His research has shown that some people who committed domestic violence were characterized by different connections in their brain networks.

Interventions that help people remember to stay before committing violence may help prevent it, Dr. George said. Dr. George's findings suggest that drinking may increase the risk of partner violence by affecting brain regions.

Factors such as drug use, personality disorders, and past partner abuse may also lead to violent behavior.

Understanding the Harm

The harm caused by domestic violence may not always be visible. And experiencing domestic violence can increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, digestive problems, and reproductive problems.

Partner violence has been linked to several mental health conditions, including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicide, and it also increases the likelihood of heavy drinking and misuse of other drugs.

Studies have shown that many people can suffer brain injuries as a result of physical abuse. Barrera's research suggests that traumatic brain injury is common. This was specifically reported in a mild form called a concussion. This can have long term effects on brain function.

His team used interviews, brain scans, and lab tests to investigate brain damage related to abuse and found a relationship between the number of brain injuries and brain function. They found a relationship between the number of brain injuries and brain function. Brain injuries were also found to be associated with learning and memory problems and mental distress.

Some studies have stated that women are more likely to have suffered traumatic brain injuries from their partners than brain injuries from athletes or military training.Traumatic brain injuries that women often suffer may not even be recognized as brain injuries, and they certainly don't receive proper care and treatment," she says.

Domestic violence can escalate with tragic consequences. In the United States, women are more likely to be killed by a current or former partner than by anyone else.

Preventing Partner Violence

What are the best ways to prevent partner violence? There are ways to learn what to do in a healthy relationship, and there are ways to learn the knowledge of what a healthy relationship is, and it is important to learn this early on.

People who have violent relationships as teens are more likely to have them as adults. Dr. Jeff Temple, an expert on teen dating violence at the University of Texas Medical Branch, teaches young people about building healthy relationships in a school-based program. He is researching how well the program works.

According to the program, students build relationship skills through role-playing. They practice how to deal with real-life situations, such as apologies and breakups.

When they get into those situations in real life, the practice is huge," Dr. Temple said.

"Research shows that kids who are able to resolve conflicts and manage their emotions are less likely to get into violent relationships later.

He said that no one is really taught how to be in a healthy relationship, even though it is a fundamental part of being human.

So, we learn about relationships through our friends. So we learn about relationships through our friends, which are sometimes okay and often poor. So we learn about relationships through our friends, which is sometimes okay and often poor, and we learn from the media, which is not so great," Dr. Temple said.

Ultimately, most of us learn about relationships through trial and error. Programs like the one Temple is studying can teach teens to build healthy, happy relationships.

White Matter Correlates of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries in Women Subjected to Intimate-Partner Violence: A Preliminary Study. Valera EM, Cao A, Pasternak O, Shenton ME, Kubicki M, Makris N, Adra N. J Neurotrauma. 2019 Mar 1;36(5):661-668. doi: 10.1089/neu.2018.5734. Epub 2018 Oct 4. PMID: 29873292.

Increasing Our Understanding of an Overlooked Public Health Epidemic: Traumatic Brain Injuries in Women Subjected to Intimate Partner Violence. Valera EM. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2018 Jun;27(6):735-736. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2017.6838. epub 2018 Jan 17. PMID:29341835.

When Pandemics Clash: Gendered Violence-Related Traumatic Brain Injuries in Women Since COVID-19. Eve M. Valera EClinicalMedicine. 2020 Jul; 24: Published online 2020 Jun 27. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100423. PMID:32632418.

Changes in Acceptance of Dating Violence and Physical Dating Violence ;Victimization in a Longitudinal Study with Teens. Karlsson ME, Calvert M, Hernandez Rodriguez J, Weston R, Temple JR. Child Abuse Negl. 2018 Dec;86:123-135. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2018.09.010. Epub 2018 Oct 1. PMID:30286306 .

A Model Linking Biology, Behavior and Psychiatric Diagnoses in Perpetrators of Domestic Violence. George DT, Phillips MJ, Doty L, Umhau JC, Rawlings RR. Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(2):345-53. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2006.01.049. Epub 2006 Mar 31. PMID:16580153.


This was an overview of the harm caused by partners, but it was easy to understand.

People who have problems in relationships need to learn about relationships, not keep them away, which can be difficult to learn in real life alone.

We can learn about skills such as studying and exercising, but no one can teach us about proper relationships, but that doesn't have to stop us from learning about interpersonal relationships in order to learn as much as we can.

If you have trouble with interpersonal relationships, it's not that you're wrong, it's just that you lack the knowledge about it. If someone makes fun of you for it, ignore them.
