COVID-19 among dentists in the United States.
If dentists continue to adhere to the guidance, COVID-19 infection among dentists could remain low.
The study was conducted to determine the cumulative prevalence and incidence of COVID-19 among dentists and to assess their level of involvement in specific infection control practices since the publication of the COVID-19 Interim Guidance for Infection Control for Dentists in the United States, which advised the use of optimal personal protective equipment during aerosol generating procedures.
In a web-based survey, 785 individuals participated in all six surveys and were asked about the COVID-19 tests they had received and the symptoms they had experienced.
The resulting cumulative six-month COVID-19 infection rate was 2.6%, representing 57 dentists who had received a diagnosis of COVID-19. The incidence rate ranged from 0.2% to 1.1% per month.
According to the study, an important difference between dentists and other health care professionals may be that many medical procedures, such as those not involving intubation for anesthesia, can be performed while the patient is wearing a mask. However, since masks are removed during dental procedures, the importance of continued use and protection of N95 masks and PPE has been suggested. Because this is the first large longitudinal report on the incidence of COVID-19 among U.S. dentists, the results may show a decline in response rates over time, but still represent a representative sample of U.S. dentists. Also, because the survey results are self-reported, they are subject to recall and social desirability bias. Although the mortality rate is unknown, it may be useful to know these characteristics in order to understand the risk of infection.