In this issue, we will discuss diet and heart disease risk.
Do you pay attention to your diet in order to prevent diseases?
If you have already experienced some kind of illness or have a family history of illness, you may pay attention to your diet, but if you don't, do you eat as much as you like?Even elementary school students know that diet affects health, but there are not many foods that can tell you for sure what you should be eating and what will make you sick.
Some foods that are marketed under the impression that they are healthy are classified as whole grains, but these include unrefined wheat, rice, corn, oats, oatmeal, and whole wheat.
Although there is nothing extremely bad about these foods, there are times when they must be avoided by people who are interested in dieting or who have allergic diseases.
However, people who are interested in diet should avoid these foods, and people with allergic diseases should avoid them. However, there is a study to see if it is possible to reduce the risk.
Contents of the study
The conclusion of this study is that there is no evidence of a risk-reducing effect due to insufficient evidence.
The study was a review of 9 RCTs with 1414 subjects.
These studies showed no difference in total cholesterol between the whole grain group and the control group, according to the authors.
Because the intervention period was 16 weeks, the reviewers commented that they found no evidence of reduced risk for cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction, unstable angina, coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, or stroke).
This was a confirmation of another cohort study that had shown a correlation between whole grain deficiency and death from cardiovascular disease.
There were some reports of effects on lipids and blood pressure in a small number of people, although there were some interventions of bias.
Kelly SAM, Hartley L, Loveman E, Colquitt JL, Jones HM, Al-Khudairy L, Clar C, GermanòR, Lun HR, Frost G, Rees K. Whole grains for primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, No. 8. Number: CD005051. doi: 10.1002 / 14651858.CD005051.pub3.
The results did not show that the foods in question lowered the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Since these evidence are not low from research models, it may not be worthwhile to actively consume health foods that contain them.
They are also found in common foods, so there is no need to be conscious of them.