A history of weight cycling has been positively associated with shorter, lower quality sleep and higher risk of sleep apnea in diverse US women.
The history of weight cycling predicts sleep deprivation in women, suggesting that weight maintenance may be an important strategy for promoting sleep health. the potential bi-directional relationship between HWC and sleep needs to be further investigated.
Cao, Vivian MS; Makarem, Nur PhD; Maguire, Moorea MS; Samayoa, Ivan MS; Xi, Huaqing MS; Liang, Citina MA; Aggarwal, Brooke EdD, MS, FAHA History of Sleepiness, Sleep Apnea, Sleep Apnea, Sleep Apnea, and Sleep Apnea Risk: Improving the Gap Room Ahead. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing: April 30, 2021 - Unprecedented Sleep Publication - Record - Doi: 10.1097 / JCN.000000000000000818
In this study, sleep and weight cycling (HWC) experiences were assessed for reduced sleep patterns. There were 506 participants, mean age 37 ± 15.7 years; 61% racial/ethnic minorities in the city, and the cross-sectional association between HWC and sleep was assessed. These results reported that 72% of participants experienced weight cycling one or more times and that it was associated with shorter sleep duration, poorer quality, longer sleep onset latency, increased severity of insomnia, increased sleep disturbance, decreased sleep efficiency, and increased use of sleeping pills. It has also been reported that there is an increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea.
Weight cycling refers to weight gain or loss, and refers to people who have experienced a 10-pound gain or loss.