Anxiety is associated with appetite characteristics in college students during the COVID-19 pandemic
More than half of the students at U.S. universities reported moderate to severe anxiety symptoms during COVID-19. More severe anxiety symptoms were associated with increased hunger, emotional overeating, and food and satiety responses, as well as decreased enjoyment of food. Universities need to consider strategies for addressing anxiety, especially in younger students. transgender, gender fluid, and other gendered students. Across racial/ethnic groups, keeping in mind the association with appetizing characteristics.
Coakley, KE, Le, H., Silva, SR etal. Anxiety is associated with appetitive characteristics in college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nutr J 20, 45 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12937-021-00701-9
This study included 1243 students, and results showed that 51.9% of participants reported moderate to severe anxiety symptoms. The groups that stood out as having these experiences included those who were gender related, such as transgender, gender fluid, and others. Most participants with these anxiety symptoms scored higher on the eating approach and avoidance traits, but reported lower levels of "enjoyment of food" and a higher association between hunger and emotional overeating than those with no or mild anxiety symptoms. Participants with mild to no anxiety symptoms scored lower on enjoyment of food than those with no anxiety symptoms.
These indicate that anxiety symptoms are associated with dietary approaches, and therefore, for those who gain weight because they are less physically active due to the pandemic, their weight is affected by "anxiety symptoms" as well as physical activity.If you have a tendency to overeat when you are not hungry, you may be suffering from an eating disorder, so if you have questions about your diet, you should consult a professional.