How a worrisome coronavirus variant is being overlooked and spreading
In summary, genomic data has revealed that multiple travelers have carried a new coronavirus variant from Central Africa to Europe, spreading to at least 12 countries. This is a variant named "B.1.620," which hosts a series of mutations associated with increased transmission rates and the ability to evade immune responses.
Doi: https: //doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-01285-4
Author's Comments
It has been reported in various media as a "mutated strain" in Japan as a trigger to increase the number of infected people in the past few days. However, the cause of the increase in the number of infections may become clearer in the future, but many people seem to be exhausted by the distrust of the government, which is taking the lead in infectious disease control. Vaccination against COVID-19 has also started in Japan, but many problems have come to light, and there may be an increasing number of voices questioning the actions taken so far.
However, "distrust" of the government and others will not stop us from taking action against SARS-CoV-2, nor will it be a reason to refuse the vaccine, as there is no end to the number of people on social media expressing skepticism about vaccination and COVID-19. Facebook and Twitter have announced that they will delete these posts.
It is up to the individual to feel free to distrust, but we should be careful not to involve others in spreading distrust.