KeiS a medical professional

This is a blog about the scientific basis of medicine. A judo therapist reads research papers for study and writes about them.


The problematic use of Facebook.

Friday, April 30, 2021


In this article, I'd like to talk about the problematic use of Facebook.

Do you use Facebook?

Facebook is one of the social networking sites, but because it is registered with personal information, it is a tool that emphasizes connections between individuals, and because of its low level of anonymity, it is probably the easiest social networking site for people who want to interact with other "individuals.

I myself rarely use it, and the only times I use it are to spread this blog post and to research my business partners.

If used well, social networking sites can be a useful tool for people who live far away from each other to get to know each other and to relieve social isolation.

However, if used in a problematic way, they can increase emotional loneliness and cause problems by unnecessarily disclosing too much information about oneself.

The following are some of the studies on this topic. The following is an introduction to this research.

Contents of the study

The positive and negative psychological consequences associated with the use of social networking sites (SNS) have been reported before, with results linking depression and low self-esteem with Facebook usage.

The purpose of this study was to test a theoretical model of problematic Facebook use, using adult attachment styles as the predictor variable of interest.

Adult Facebook users (n = 717) were surveyed to measure problematic Facebook usage.

Social comparison


Impression management

Intrusive Facebook use, etc.

The data obtained were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression analysis and mediation analysis.Results showed that all aspects of attachment insecurity problems and Facebook use were predicted, and that attachment avoidance has a social impact on impression management and intrusive Facebook use.

Further analyses confirmed the psychological distress and self-esteem implications of these relationships.


The problematic behaviors of Facebook usage are

Randomly revealing private information to attract attention.

Falsifying oneself in order to create a buzz.

Disguising oneself to create a buzz.

People with the avoidant attachment style mentioned in the previous section were also found to have a tendency to engage in these problematic behaviors.

According to the psychology of attachment, the tendency of avoidant people is to keep a mental distance from others so that they can focus on themselves and appear to be independent.People with this attachment style are said to move away from others without showing any signs of concern when they are distraught or want to leave.

Since Facebook is a convenient place for people with this style of attachment, they become addicted to using it in order to get attention and satisfy their need to drown their loneliness by exposing their private life and showing that they are independent.

In order to attract attention, they may fabricate activities that they would not normally do, and may even create a false image of themselves by manipulating photos.

Another concern is that they may become so absorbed in social networking sites that their own communities become centered on the Internet and they become estranged from those close to them.This study shows that these behaviors and thoughts can lead to low self-esteem and psychological distress, which may lead to mental illness.

Flynn S, Noone C, Sarma KM. an exploration of the link between adult attachment and problematic Facebook use. bmc psychol. 2018;6(1):34. published 2018 Aug 10. doi:10.1186/s40359-018-0245-0


The results of this study suggest that Facebook is used incorrectly and that people are prone to using it that way.

In order to prevent this from happening, it may be a good idea to create a community through Facebook and develop it into a real community and interact with others.The benefits such as happiness that can be obtained from social networking sites are short-term, and therefore, it is also an insufficient tool to satisfy our needs.
