KeiS a medical professional

This is a blog about the scientific basis of medicine. A judo therapist reads research papers for study and writes about them.


I would like to talk about good counseling.

Thursday, April 29, 2021


In this article, I would like to talk about good counseling.

Counseling is the use of specialized knowledge and skills to provide consultation and assistance to problems and concerns brought to you by a client.

If you are a medical professional, you will have the opportunity to provide some kind of counseling, depending on your placement.

However, even if you understand the meaning of counseling, there are times when the content is self-serving and the client is not satisfied or just accepts the services as they are told.If the counseling is not successful, the service will be interpreted differently from the medical professional's intentions, and the client will not be satisfied in the end.

What are the reasons why such counseling is failing? Let's learn from a good counseling session.

1) Building rapport

You may have heard the word "rapport" before, but it is a word that you will hear whenever you study counseling.

It explains the importance of building a relationship of mutual trust between the counselor and the client, but many people seem to fail at this point.

In order to build a trusting relationship, you need to get the client to self-disclose very private information about their past, present and future.In order to build a trusting relationship, you need to take care of these things.

Be warm and relaxed in your approach.

Be a sympathetic listener.

If this is not taken into account, the three attitudinal conditions required of a counselor are acceptance, empathic understanding, and self-congruence, and these will be implemented.We must "listen" and provide counseling based on the aforementioned, but surprisingly, there are people who pretend to be listening to others.

First of all, as a medical professional, you must always have the awareness of "trying to heal", but without the attitude of "understanding" rather than "trying to heal", it is impossible to stand in the client's point of view.

However, it is impossible to take the client's point of view without an attitude of understanding rather than trying to cure.

2) Collect information

Gathering information about the client's current illness and other information is a prerequisite for starting treatment.

It is necessary to elicit the necessary information and ask for a detailed understanding of the medical condition and what is desired.

Medical history (start with the most recent period of illness)

Family history

What is impaired by the medical condition?

The counseling sheet that is usually used can be used to save time when asking these questions, but the trick is to ask them to fill in what they can.

However, the trick is to ask them to fill in what they can. It is advisable to keep a record of the details in the form of notes during the counseling session, so that you can go over them later.

3) Assessment

This is used in career counseling, but medical professionals can also make use of it in counseling.

Here, it is important for the client to have a correct self-understanding.

It is common for people to think that they know themselves best, but this is not always the case.What do I want to be?" "What do I want to do?

In order for the client to have a correct self-understanding, assessment tools are used to measure personality, aptitude, skills, and abilities in different fields, but the use of these tools by medical professionals differs depending on the specialty.

However, the use of this tool by medical professionals varies depending on the specialty. However, just knowing this information can make a big difference in finding out what you want to do.

In actual career counseling, various tools are used in the process of finding the right job.Since it takes time and effort to use the tools, it is considered good to just listen to what you are troubled by your medical condition and support you to gradually improve what you are troubled by.

4) Setting goals

It is desirable for people to set goals because having goals will change their consciousness and encourage them to take concrete actions to achieve their goals.

In order to set goals, the steps are to determine the goals, identify the issues, and plan the actions.

Since different clients have different goals, do not assume that all clients want to be cured of their diseases.

You have to know that it varies from person to person; some of them are more focused on the future than on curing the disease, and some just want to improve their current painful symptoms.I mentioned setting goals above.

What kind of problem do you want to solve? Clarify the goal to be achieved, and the criteria for achieving the goal.

Gather, organize, and examine information on what options are available to solve the problem.Formulate a concrete action plan and strategy to achieve the goal.

If you have actually set goals with a client, you may understand that some clients decide to set goals on their own or avoid having goals themselves.

This may be due to the fact that the medical professional is setting self-indulgent goals, or it may be due to the fact that he or she does not have a trusting relationship with the client and is talking about a business relationship.

In order to set goals, you have to comply with the previous section because you have to use the client's personal information such as personality, interests, values, experiences, and abilities.

And if you are going to set a goal, it should meet these conditions.

1.It should be a realistic goal.

2.The goal should be understandable.

3.The goal should be predictable.

4.The goal should be actionable.

5.Goals must be agreed upon.

5) Problem identification for achieving the goal

In treatment planning, healing is often not completed only by the medical services provided by medical professionals.

From the previous items, it is necessary to understand the client's situation and identify what issues need to be addressed in order to achieve the goal. It is necessary to identify the following.

This requires a lot of information from the health care provider in order to find options for the client to act on the issues.Sometimes, it is necessary to refer the client to a specialty department, specialist, or professional organization that best meets the client's needs.

In recent years, there is a tendency among medical professionals to try to connect with patients in order to complete the treatment on their own, out of concern for patient defection, but there are many cases where patients leave because their goals are not ultimately met.

6) Follow-up, evaluation, and termination of the relationship

We follow up on the progress of the patient to see if the actions are working well for the planned goals, and support the patient in solving immediate problems.

At times, it is necessary to review, restart, and revise the initial plan.

When the goal is achieved, the relationship with the client is terminated.

Even after the relationship is over, it is still desirable to exchange emails with the client and provide support if needed.


What did you think?

People who have trouble with counseling may have failed from the beginning, and may not have tried to build a trusting relationship.

Even if a trusting relationship is established, counseling may not be successful because the treatment plan is inadequate or there is no follow-up.

In business medicine, there are situations where medical services are provided without counseling due to time constraints.

There are many problems, but if you are asking for help from a medical professional, please make a note of what you want to talk about and visit the doctor.

It is helpful if you know the details of the medical condition, but there are some clients who just look at you and say, "Don't you understand? But some of them may have an attitude like, "Can't you tell by just looking?
